We are still keeping the prices of pickling products!
We have good news for you. Despite the ever-increasing input costs, higher purchase prices and the difficult situation on the energy market, we have decided not to increase the prices of any of the pickling and passivation products we offer for 2022. Our new operation also includes expanded storage facilities and training rooms. You can find all detailed information on our website in the Sales tab.
Tailor-made price offer
In addition to maintaining the current price level for this year, we also offer our customers additional discounts. For example, a 5% discount for a one-time purchase of products over 100 kg, significant discounts for sellers or individual offers for long-term cooperation with customers. Do not hesitate to ask us without obligation, for example at the e-mail address richard.kalny@fksystem.cz. You can find other contacts in our Contacts tab.
Offered range
You can find the complete range of our pickling products here.
Pickling gels
We offer a wide range of pickling gels with normal, enhanced and very strong effects. Pickling gels are used to remove old damaged passive layers, foreign oxides, weld scale and tarnish, abrasion and carbon steel deposits, traces of handling and damage after thermal or mechanical processing of surfaces and welds in one operation. They ensure a metallic clean appearance of the surface.
Pickling pastes
In our offer you will find Antox pickling pastes for anti-corrosion alloying of steel. We also have a special paste for shiny and ground surfaces. Pickling pastes are used to remove weld scale and tarnish, old damaged passive layers, abrasion and carbon steel deposits, foreign oxides and traces of handling.
Pickling bath
You can use the pickling bath to remove weld scale and lead paint, abrasion and carbon steel deposits, old damaged passive layer, foreign oxides, traces of handling and damage after thermal or mechanical processing of surfaces and welds in one work operation by immersion in the bath. It ensures a metallic clean appearance of the surface.
Passivation agents
We offer passivation agents for the rapid creation of a strong passive layer on the pickled surface of alloyed anti-corrosion steel. It ensures a metallic clean appearance of the surface.
Additional assortment
In addition to the products mentioned, we also sell cleaning solution and pickling agents for aluminum, preservative, neutralizing paste and application and protective aids.
Terms of sale
It is important to note that most of the products offered are classified as highly toxic substances and it is necessary to follow the prescribed handling. It is mandatory to have a so-called professionally qualified person, i.e. a person or more persons with appropriate education or regular training, available to handle these products. These products can only be sold to natural persons doing business or legal entities. A professionally qualified person must be in an employment or contractual relationship.
FK system offers to provide this service in the form of a Contract for Work and training of all employees according to the requirements of the law. The price of the training is 3,990 CZK and it must be carried out every 2 years. Issuing a contract for the handling of hazardous substances costs 1,000 CZK per IČO. The training can be carried out at our company headquarters in Brno-Řečkovice or at the customer's premises. When training is carried out at the customer's premises, a fee of 15 CZK/km of travel is charged.
FK system offers to provide this service in the form of a Contract for Work and training of all employees according to the requirements of the law. The price of the training is 3,990 CZK and it must be carried out every 2 years. Issuing a contract for the handling of hazardous substances costs 1,000 CZK per IČO. The training can be carried out at our company headquarters in Brno-Řečkovice or at the customer's premises. When training is carried out at the customer's premises, a fee of 15 CZK/km of travel is charged.
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FK System
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