Thanks for the International Engineering Fair
Dear colleagues, business partners,
The Engineering Fair is already behind us and we would like to thank you for attending it with us and making our time here even more enjoyable.
The Engineering Fair is already behind us and we would like to thank you for attending it with us and making our time here even more enjoyable.

At the fair you could not only find us, but also our important business partner Mr. Urs Tinner from Chemetall, which supplies us with pickling and passivating agents of the Antox brand, which we use to provide services on your orders.
At our stand you could also see exhibits by artist Jan Dostál, which have undergone the process of pickling or blasting.
At our stand you could also see exhibits by artist Jan Dostál, which have undergone the process of pickling or blasting.

Our company continues to grow successfully and we are gradually expanding our field of activity. As part of our targeting of foreign markets, we met with CzechTrade representatives for several neighbouring countries. We hope to soon include companies from these countries among our customers and partners.
We are looking forward to our future cooperation and will be happy to welcome you at any time in our premises in Řečkovice, Brno.
We will be glad if you will also participate with us in the upcoming conference of the Association of Corrosion Engineers, which will take place on 9-11 November 2022 in Brno. FK system - povrchové úpravy, s. r. o. will be there as this year's partner. More information about the AKI conference can be found here:
Have a nice day and see you soon
Tereza Kalná
FK system - povrchové úpravy, s.r.o.
We are looking forward to our future cooperation and will be happy to welcome you at any time in our premises in Řečkovice, Brno.
We will be glad if you will also participate with us in the upcoming conference of the Association of Corrosion Engineers, which will take place on 9-11 November 2022 in Brno. FK system - povrchové úpravy, s. r. o. will be there as this year's partner. More information about the AKI conference can be found here:
Have a nice day and see you soon
Tereza Kalná
FK system - povrchové úpravy, s.r.o.
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FK System
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Created by PS Works s. r. o.