Pickling and passivation with Antox pickling agents
Pickling and passivation is basically carried out by three different methods, differing in the way the pickling agent is applied. What are they and what should you pay particular attention to when applying the agents? The answer can be found in today's article.
Paste pickling
The welds are pickled with a paste that is applied with a brush. This should be a special, acid-resistant brush. The aim is to remove weld scale and paint build-up around the welds. ANTOX pickling pastes are available in four versions according to concentration. From the weakest E version through the stronger E PLUS to the strongest E EXTRA for pickling welds of high alloy molybdenum steels. The special 3D variant is used for pickling polished and ground surfaces.
Soaking by immersion in a bath
Parts where their design and size permits are immersion pickled in ANTOX 80 E. The bath is sold as a concentrate and can be diluted as desired with water. Bath dipping is a very demanding technology and can only be carried out in approved facilities. This work should only be carried out by experienced and professionally trained personnel.
Spray pickling
Most often (outside of professional stainshops) spray staining is carried out. This method is intended for parts that cannot be dipped for structural, material or dimensional reasons. The pickling agent in the form of a gel is applied to the surface using a simple spray bottle or special application equipment. ANTOX pickling gels are available in three versions according to concentration. From the weakest E version through the stronger E PLUS to the strongest E EXTRA designed for pickling welds of high alloy molybdenum steels.
Other preparations and aids
Mezi další přípravky na nerezovou ocel, které dodáváme, patří například pasivační roztok, čistič povrchu, neutralizační pasta, konzervační přípravek apod.
Other stainless steel products we supply include passivating solution, surface cleaner, neutralizing paste, preservative, etc.
Dále v naší nabídce naleznete aplikační pomůcky, jako jsou štětce, postřikové lahve a ochranné pomůcky – masky, filtry, celogumové obleky apod.
We also offer application aids such as brushes, spray bottles and protective equipment - masks, filters, full rubber suits, etc.
All the above-mentioned staining agents are rated as toxic and highly toxic and their handling is subject to special regulations. Supervision by a so-called 'competent person' is essential. We also arrange the performance of this person for our customers.
Other stainless steel products we supply include passivating solution, surface cleaner, neutralizing paste, preservative, etc.
Dále v naší nabídce naleznete aplikační pomůcky, jako jsou štětce, postřikové lahve a ochranné pomůcky – masky, filtry, celogumové obleky apod.
We also offer application aids such as brushes, spray bottles and protective equipment - masks, filters, full rubber suits, etc.
All the above-mentioned staining agents are rated as toxic and highly toxic and their handling is subject to special regulations. Supervision by a so-called 'competent person' is essential. We also arrange the performance of this person for our customers.
What to watch out for?
All pickling preparations must be thoroughly mixed and homogenized before use. They must be applied in as even a layer as possible. The basis for a correct and well executed staining is a thorough rinsing of the entire surface and 100% removal of staining agents and dissolved impurities.
During the staining process, acidic exhalations are generated and after rinsing, waste water is produced, which is assessed as hazardous waste and must be disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner or handed over to a professional company for disposal.
We recommend ordering more demanding and extensive staining work as a service from our company.
During the staining process, acidic exhalations are generated and after rinsing, waste water is produced, which is assessed as hazardous waste and must be disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner or handed over to a professional company for disposal.
We recommend ordering more demanding and extensive staining work as a service from our company.
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