Maintaining order documentation for better organization of the entire company
Internal documentation is essential for us. Given the large number of customers, which is well over a thousand (and we appreciate your support!), it is important for us to keep everything in order, and not just to be able to easily keep track of orders. Several well-established procedures serve this purpose. What are they? We'll look at that in today's article.
Order Guide
This is an internal document that is carried along with the parts through the entire process from the initial receipt of your order to loading for removal. It is created based on the order you sent and contains all the necessary information, such as how many pallets the order came on, what size the pallets were, how the parts were packed, or any special requirements for packing the parts for shipping.
In addition, the order guide also includes some vital information regarding the chemical treatment performed - material grade, thickness, length of the bath dip, and more.
In addition, the order guide also includes some vital information regarding the chemical treatment performed - material grade, thickness, length of the bath dip, and more.
Each order that comes to us is assigned a serial number under which the order is listed in our ABRA information system and which is indicated in the "Order Guide" header.
This number is also used to store the photo file in our data storage.
We photograph each order before unpacking it on receipt.
This number is also used to store the photo file in our data storage.
We photograph each order before unpacking it on receipt.
100% input control
If the customer wishes to carry out an initial inspection of the material, we are able to offer a 100% inspection of the material prior to pickling.
During the inspection we will check:
However, there is a charge for this inspection process, so if you are interested please contact the Managing Director at
We believe that all of these internal processes greatly streamline our work and as a result, also increase satisfaction with our service and the result submitted. Ask us about metal finishing - we have years of experience and many satisfied customers behind us.
During the inspection we will check:
- the number of parts in relation to the order
- completeness of the order
- problematic areas in terms of pickling (we will point out areas that cannot be chemically "cleaned")
- if necessary, we will carry out an endoscope inspection with the possibility of creating video recordings or photos
However, there is a charge for this inspection process, so if you are interested please contact the Managing Director at
We believe that all of these internal processes greatly streamline our work and as a result, also increase satisfaction with our service and the result submitted. Ask us about metal finishing - we have years of experience and many satisfied customers behind us.
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FK System
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Created by PS Works s. r. o.